LOG SELECT 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 6-11
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (4Ch)
1 Reserved PCR SP (0)
2 PC Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
The LOG SELECT command provides a means for the initiator to manage statistical information maintained by the
device about its own hardware or the installed media. This description will be read in conjunction with the
description of the LOG SENSE command which follows it, to provide the reader with information about log page
format, parameters and supported pages.
PCR: A Parameter Code Reset bit of one and a Parameter List Length of ZERO will cause ALL log pages which
can be cleared, to be cleared. If this field is set and the Parameter List Length field is non-ZERO then the
command will be terminated with a CHECK CONDITION status with the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST,
SP: The device does not have non-volatile RAM into which it may save parameters. Therefore, the Save Page bit
is not supported by this device and will always be set to ZERO. If the SP bit is set, the command will be terminated
with a CHECK CONDITION status with the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and an ASC of INVALID FIELD
PC: The Page Control field defines the type of parameter values to be selected:
Table 6-5: Page Control field values
Value Description
Current Threshold Values
Current Cumulative Values
Default Threshold Values
Default Cumulative Values
If this field is set to 00b, 10b or 11b and the Parameter List Length field is non-0 then the command will be
terminated with a CHECK CONDITION status with the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and an ASC of
INVALID FIELD IN CDB. This is because no modification of these log pages is permitted. For a description of
command behavior if this field is set to 01b then see the description of the Parameter List Length field below.
If this field is set to 10b and the Parameter List length field is 0 then all Current Threshold Values will be reset to
the Default Threshold Values. This is equivalent to no change as Threshold Values cannot be modified.
If this field is set to 11b and the Parameter List Length field is 0 then all Current Cumulative Values will be reset to
the Default Cumulative Values. This is equivalent to all log pages which can be cleared.
Parameter List Length: This field specifies the length in bytes of the LOG SELECT parameter list that will be
transferred from the initiator to the target during the DATA OUT phase. A parameter list length of ZERO indicates
that no data will be transferred. This condition will not be considered as an error (see description of Parameter
Code Reset and Page Control fields above). If this field is non-0 the Page Control field must be 01b.