13.Appendix F: AIT based WORM system
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 13-1
13. APPENDIX F: AIT based WORM system
13.1. Important Notice
(1) AIT WORM cartridges come equipped with Remote MIC.
(2) A new AIT WORM cartridge can be initialized to use either AIT native mode.
(3) WORM features are supported in AIT tape drives with firmware revision level 0103 or later.
13.2. Write-Protected (WP) Bit in Mode Sense Data
If the AIT-5 WORM cartridge that the write-protected tab set to “Rec” is inserted, the WP bit is not used in WORM
mode. The WP bit will be set to ZERO.
If the AIT-5 WORM cartridge the write-protected tab set to “Safe” is inserted, the SDX-1100V can not write to the
tape. The WP bit will be set to ONE.
When the AIT-3 WORM or AIT-4 WORM cartridge is inserted, the SDX-1100V can not write to these tapes. The
WP bit will be set to ONE.
13.3. How to detect a WORM cartridge.
The WORM bit of AIT Device Configuration Page (31h) is used to indicate the presence of a WORM media.
Page 31h: AIT Device Configuration Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved Page Code (31h)
1 Page Length (8)
3 SPAN (0Ah)
4 MIC WORM Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
13.4. How to initialize a WORM cartridge.
A new WORM cartridge can be initialized in two ways:
1. Mode Select Operation
2. Write Operation
Note: when using Write Operation (option 2), a new WORM cartridge will be initialized as one partition AIT native