Motherboard Description SY-P4I875P DRAGON 2 V1.0
ALi M5281 Serial /Parallel ATA RAID chip
The M5281 provides personal computer systems with PCI device
solution of the highest integration: It includes two Serial-ATA Host
controllers for supporting a total of 2 ports, one fully Parallel-ATA
Host controller for supporting two channels.
SATA Connectors
These connectors allow you to attach one UDMA 150 hard disk to
each connector. Note that SATA 3 and 4 are controlled by the ALi
M5281 chip, and can support RAID 0 and 1. For more information
on these connectors check the IDE Device Installation (HDD,
CD-ROM) paragraph on page 22.
USB 2.0 connectors
These connectors support 2 USB 2.0 ports per connector. For details
on the lay-out, please check the 5. Universal Serial Bus
(USB1/USB2, USB3/USB4, USB20_1/USB20_2) paragraph on
page 31.
Chassis Cooling Fan (CHAFAN1) connector
This connector is to connect your chassis fan to your motherboard.
This motherboard supports up to 3 chassis fans. It allows you to
monitor the speed of CHAFAN1 in CMOS setup or by using the
SOYO Hardware Monitor software. Please check the (2) Chassis
Cooling Fan (CHAFAN1, CHAFAN2, CHAFAN3) paragraph on
page 34 for more details.
CD-IN connector
This connector is to attach your analog audio output channel from
your CDROM or DVD drive to your motherboard. Please check the
4. CD Line-in (CDIN) paragraph on page 35 for more details.
GAMEPORT connector
This connector is to attach your gameport connector to. Gameports
are used to connect for example joysticks to. For more details check
the paragraph on page 31.
SPK5 connector
This connector is to connect the speaker attached to your case to
your motherboard. Please check the 7. SPK5 paragraph on page 37
for more details.