
Do not carry through mod i fi ca tions, at tach ments or al ter ations of the unit with out
the man u fac turer’s per mis sion. Dan ger of accidents!
By means of this op er at ing man ual, pre pare pre cise in struc tions for use of this
unit. Faulty op er a tion may lead to ac ci dents!
Des ig nate a unit leader re spon si ble for the unit.
In any case, the op er a tors of this unit must be thor oughly in structed.
Faulty op er a tion may lead to ac ci dents!
If the unit has been switched off for rea sons of safety, it must be pro tected from
unathorised ac ti va tion. Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Be fore be gin ning main te nance work, des ig nate a su per vi sor.
Be fore be gin ning main te nance work, in form the re spon si ble op er at ing per son nel.
Dan ger of accidents!
Be fore be gin ning main te nance work, in ter rupt the mains sup ply so that the unit is
not switched on un in ten tion ally. Dan ger of accidents!
Re pair work may only be car ried through by trained per son nel.
Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The unit may never be op er ated when it is par tially dis as sem bled.
Limbs may be drawn in! Elec tri cal shock!
In case of func tional dis tur bances, switch off the unit im me di ately. Er rors must be
elim i nated im me di ately. Dan ger of accidents!
The unit is ex clu sively in tended for con vey ing plas tic gran ules and regrind. Any
other us age is not per mit ted.
This unit is not suit able for pro cess ing foods.
SSV 05
Safety in struc tions 10