
1.4. For the safety of the units
The unit may only be used for con vey ing free flow ing pellettized plas tic ma te ri als
on in jec tion mould ing ma chines.
Never change set tings un less you are able to pre cisely fore see the con se -
Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts.
Ob serve the main te nance in ter vals.
Keep a book on all main te nance and re pair work.
Note that elec tronic sub as sem blies may be dam aged by static dis charge.
Be fore ini tial op er a tion and in reg u lar in ter vals, check all elec tri cal con nec tions for
proper fit.
Never mod ify sen sors with out know ing their pre cise func tions.
Make sure that all plugs are con nected prop erly.
Ob serve the car ry ing ca pac ity of the ma chine flange.
Ob serve the op er at ing man u als of the con nected units.
SSV 05
Safety in struc tions 12