
1.1. Warn ings and sym bols
The fol low ing warn ings and sym bols are used in these op er at ing in struc tions:
This sym bol in di cates dan ger to life! Fa tal or se ri ous in jury is
pos si ble if the cor re spond ing in struc tions, reg u la tions or warn -
ings are not observed.
This sym bol in di cates that se ri ous in jury is pos si ble if the cor -
re spond ing in struc tions, reg u la tions or warn ings are not
This sym bol in di cates that ex ten sive dam age to equip ment
is pos si ble if the cor re spond ing in struc tions, reg u la tions or
warn ings are not observed.
This sym bol in di cates in for ma tion im por tant for be com ing fa -
mil iar with the equip ment, i.e. tech ni cal correlations.
This sym bol in di cates that a tech ni cal term is ex plained at
this point.
SSV 05
Safety in struc tions 7