1.4 Connecting up your PVR 9
need to use the RF OUT connector on your PVR; we shall de-
scribe how to do that shortly.
1.4.1 Connecting the aerial to your PVR
Whatever sort of connection you have between the PVR and
the TV, you need to connect the PVR to your television aerial
so that it can receive digital TV channels.
Note that in some areas, you may need to upgrade youraerial
to ensure that you receive digital television broadcasts—
good reception of existing analogue signals is no guarantee
of good digital reception.
The first connection you should make is to connect a cable
from your TV aerial to the ANT 1 connector on the back of
the PVR.
However your PVR is connected to the TV, you must ensure
that there is a connection to both the ANT1 and ANT2 con-
nectors on your PVR, so that both tuners work properly. Nor-
mally, you do that by using the supplied loop cable to link
from RF LOOP1 OUT to ANT 2.
However, if you are in a weak signal area, or are using a signal
amplifier with more than one output, you may achieve better
results by connecting a cable from the aerial or amplifier di-
rectly to the ANT2 connector, rather than using the loop cable.
1.4.2 Connecting the PVR to your TV using a SCART or AV cable
For best results with a standard television set, you should use
the supplied SCART cable, pluggingone endinto the TV SCART
socket on the PVR, and the other end into a free SCART socket
on your television.
If you have more than one SCART connector on your televi-
sion, you should choose one with ‘RGB’ (Red, Green, Blue)
support, since it can give a better picture. You may wish to