
7.3 Contacting support 83
ber you noted from the previous paragraph, then select Start
Search and press OK. You’ll see a list showing all the chan-
nels on that multiplex, including the new one, which will be
added to your channel list for you. Existing channels will not
be affected.
If you don’t know which multiplex a new channel is being
added to, you can simply scan each of the UHF channels used
by your current set of channels.
You can simply do an automatic search for channels, but that
can take up to twenty minutes, and may find duplicate chan-
nels if you can receive from more than one transmitter. Scan-
ning a single UHF channel is much, much quicker.
7.2.2 Moving home
If you move home, and your new home receives digital TV
from the same transmitter as your old one, you do not need to
alter any settings on your Topfield PVR.
However, if you receive signals from a different transmitter,
you will need to re-scan for channels, just as you would have
to tune in an analogue television again.
The simplest way is to perform a complete reset of your PVR,
by choosing Menu, Installation and then Factory Setting, then
doing a service search.
When you choose Factory Setting, all your timers will be
cancelled, and your favourites lists erased. Programmes on
the hard drive will not be damaged or removed.
7.3 Contacting support
Telephone technical support for your Topfield TF 5800 PVR is
available during working hours, on 01795 429 666.