
3.1 How your PVR records 27
Instant recordings are just like pressing the record button on
a video recorder; the PVR starts to record the programme that
you’re watching, so if a programme is just about to start, you
could begin an instant recording, without having to worry
about setting the timer.
Current event recordings are similar to instant recordings, for
the channel that you’re viewing. But instead of just record-
ing from when you start, they include some or all of the time
shift information, allowing you to save material that you’ve
already seen. So, if you’ve been watching a programme and
decide that you’d like to see it again, a ‘current event’ record-
ing will save the parts you’ve already watched, as well as the
rest of the programme.
Note that only material that’s in the time shift can be saved,
so if you’ve just changed to a channel, you won’t be able to
save parts of the programme that were on before you changed
Scheduled recordings are recordings that are made by telling
your PVR what channel you would like it to record, and at
which time. ThePVR willautomatically turn on ifit’s in standby
mode, save the programme on the hard disk, and the switch
off again—just like setting a recording on a VCR.
So, as you can see, there are different ways of starting record-
ings, depending on the circumstances, but don’t worry —they’re
all quite easy to use, and we’ll explain each one in turn.
And, thanks to the Electronic Programme Guide, scheduling
recordings is much, much easier than with a video recorder.
You can simply look through the EPG, and press a couple
of buttons to select programmes that you would like to have
Thanks to its twin tuners, the TF5800 can actually record two
things at the same time, so you don’t need to miss out on any-
thing just because two programmes clash on a night when
you’re out with friends. You can even watch a programme