04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Audio system
tory continues. Directory change takes place
automatically when all files in the current di-
rectory have been played back.
Fast-wind/change CD tracks and audio
Short presses / on the navigation but-
ton are used to scroll between CD tracks/au-
dio files. Long presses are used to fast-wind
CD tracks/audio files. The steering wheel
keypad can also be used for this purpose.
Track change can also be made by turning
Scan CD
This function plays the first ten seconds of
each CD track/audio file. Press SCAN to ac-
tivate. Interrupt with EXIT or SCAN to con-
tinue playback of the current CD track/au-
dio file.
This function plays the tracks in random or-
der. The random CD tracks/audio files can be
scrolled through in the normal way.
Different messages appear depending on
which random function has been selected:
RANDOM means that the tracks from only
one music CD are played
RND ALL means that all tracks on all
music CDs in the CD changer are played.
RANDOM FOLDER means that the audio
files in a directory on the current CD are
CD player
If a normal music CD is being played, acti-
vate/deactivate under
If a disc with audio files is being played, acti-
vate/deactivate under
Random Folder.
CD changer
If a normal music CD is being played under
Random Single disc or Random All
the option All discs only applies to the
music CDs in the changer.
If a CD with audio files is being played, acti-
vate/deactivate instead under
Folder. If you select another CD the function
is deactivated.
Disc text
If track titles are stored on a music CD then
they can be shown on the display. This also
applies to MP3 and WMA files for Premium
Sound and High Performance. Activate/de-
activate in CD mode under
CD settings
Disc text
It is only possible to scroll between random
CD tracks on the current disc.