04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Collision warning system with brake support*
An absent or late warning means that there is
no brake support or it comes late.
The incorrect warnings may be in the form of
both audio and visual signals. One way of re-
ducing the number of incorrect warnings is to
reduce the warning distance.
Some settings are controlled from the centre
console via a menu system. For information
on how the menu system is used, see
page 94.
Button for activating/deactivating the warning
Activating/deactivating warning signals
The collision warning system’s audio and vis-
ual signals can be activated/deactivated
using . The light in the button indicates
that the warning signals are activated.
The warning sound and warning lamp are ac-
tivated automatically when the car is started.
The automatic activation can be deselected
Car settings Collision warn. set-
tings On at start up
The warning sound can be activated/deacti-
vated separately under
Car settings Col-
lision warn. settings
Warning sound.
Set warning distance
The sensitivity states how early the visual and
any audible warning is triggered. Select one
of the options under
Car settings
Collision warn. settings
Warning dis-
The brake support is not affected by the
settings described here.
When adaptive cruise control is used the
warning lamp and warning sound are used
by the cruise control even if it has been de-
activated by the driver
In some situations warnings may seem to
be late, even though the warning distance
has been set to