04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Bluetooth handsfree*
settings Sounds and volume Ring
signals Ring signal 1, 2, 3
In order to select the connected phone’s ring
, go to Phone settings Sounds
and volume Ring signals Use mobile
phone signal
More on registering and connecting
A maximum of five mobile phones can be
registered. Registration is performed once
per phone. Phones can be deregistered un-
Bluetooth Remove phone. After reg-
istration the phone no longer needs to be vis-
ible/detectable. A maximum of one mobile
phone can be connected at a time.
Automatic connection
When the handsfree function is active and
the last mobile phone connected is in range it
is connected automatically. When the audio
system searches for the last phone connect-
ed its name is shown in the display. To
change over to manual connection of another
phone, press EXIT.
Manual connection
If you want to connect a mobile phone other
than the last connected or change the con-
nected mobile phone, proceed as follows:
1. Set the audio system in phone mode.
2. Press PHONE and select one of the
phones in the list.
The connection can also be made via the
menu system under
Bluetooth Connect
or Change phone.
Phone book
All use of the phone book presupposes that
the text
PHONE is shown at the top of the
display and that the symbol is visible.
The audio system stores a copy of the phone
book from each registered mobile phone.
The phone book is copied automatically to
the audio system during each connection.
Deactivate the function under
Phone set-
tings Synchronize phone book
. Search-
ing for contacts is only performed in the con-
nected mobile phone’s phone book.
If the phone book contains a live caller’s con-
tact information then this is shown in the dis-
Searching for contacts
The easiest way to search in the phone book
is with long presses on the keys 2 to 9. This
starts a search in the phone book based on
the key’s first letter.
The connected mobile phone’s ring signal is
not deactivated when one of the handsfree
system’s integrated signals is used.
Not supported by all mobile phones.
If the mobile phone does not support copy-
ing of the phone book then
List is empty is
shown when copying is finished.