Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.7 APW
Auto Power Up
3.8 ARO
Aspect Ratio Overlay
3.9 ASR
Auto Source
3.10 ASU
Auto Setup
APW Auto Power Up
Set APW to automatically power up (1) or remain off (0) after a power failure.
ARO Aspect Ratio Overlay
This is a function used when setting up the projector. When turned on (1), it overlays a number
of common aspect ratio boxes on top of the source image. Turning off the overlay (0), will return
to your source image.
ASR Auto Source
Use ASR to automatically select a particular source setup (P1= S1-50) when switching channels.
Source Setups.
NOTE: In an ASR reply, on/off state is P3 and the availability of the source setup is P2. See
ASU Auto Setup
Use ASU to do an Auto Setup of optimized settings based on the incoming signal detected.
BBL Bottom Blanking
Use BBL to blank (turn to black) the bottom of the image. Range depends on the incoming
Baud Rates
BDR: Set the RS232 (only) baud rate to 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
Omit the “00” if desired.
BDS: Set the RS422 (only) baud rate to 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
Omit the “00” if desired.
the complete number, plus leading zeros (see below). An invalid setting will trigger an error
bdr96) Set the RS232 baud rate to 9600
(bds38400) Set the RS422 baud rate to 38400
(BDR?) What is the current RS232 baud rate?
(BDR!0019200) The current RS232 baud rate is 19200
(BDS!0115200) The current RS422 baud rate is 115200
BGC Base Gamma Curve
Select the base gamma curve. “0” represents the default 2.2 curve, 1-21 are user-dened
Arbitrary Gamma Curves.
BKL Backlight
Turn the built-in keypad backlighting off (0) or on (1).
BKY Broadcast Keys
Enable (1) or disable (0) broadcasting of commands to all projectors on a network.
3.11 BBL
Bottom Blanking
3.12 BDR or BDS
Baud Rates
3.13 BGC
Gamma Curve
3.14 BKL
3.15 BKY
Broadcast Keys