Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
Parameter Description
P1 = Where to adjust?
or (if Wolf WARP and
no other parameters)P1
= Which type of White
Field Uniformity
0 = Overall
1 = Left
2 = Right
3 = Top
4 = Bottom
5 = Top Left
6 = Top Right
7 = Bottom Left
8 = Bottom Right
If Wolf WARP and no P2 or P3 parameters, P1=
0 = Disable
1 = Enable normal White Field Uniformity
P2 = Which color to adj. 0 or R = Red
1 or G = Green
2 or B = Blue
P3 = Setting 0 – 255 for “Overall” and 0 – 127 for all other zones
BUS White Field Uniformity Select
This enables or disables White Field Uniformity. If a WARP module is installed the control
changes to a list and allows several different uniformity maps to be selected.
Without WARP Module: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
With WARP Module: use the (BUS?L) request to read the list.
CCA Comprehensive Color Adjustment
Use the CCA service function to change the factory-set native colors (Max Drives) in the projector,
for red, green, blue and white points for a given gamut. Can be applied with CCS command.
NOTE: Remember that Max Drives represents the measured native colors of the projector, and
that all color performance depends on these native colors. A new CCA for Max Drives will change
all color performance and gamut (palettes).
Parameter Description
P1 = Which gamut
(palette) to adjust.
0 = This is a duplicate of 1 (Max Drives)
1 = Max Drives
2 = Color Temperature**
3 = SD Video*
4 = HD Video*
5 = User 1
6 = User 2
7 = User 3
8 = User 4
* NOTE: Factory-set to industry standards. Adjustment is not
recommended as it will change this performance standard.
* Affects only the current color temperature setting. Changing Color
Temp coordinates with CCA is not recommended.
P2 Red x
P3 Red y
P4 Green x
P5 Green y
P6 Blue x
P7 Blue y
P8 White x
3.22 BUS
White Field Uniformity
3.23 CCA
Comprehensive Color