Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.116 PNG
PNG Ping
Use PNG to request and get basic projector information such as the type of projector & main
software version installed on the TIPM (10-bit Image Processor Module).
P1 = Wolf Cinema projector type
P2 = Major s/w version# (0-99)
P3 = Minor s/w version# (0-99)
P4 = Maintenance version# with no functional change (a-z)
P5 = Beta version#, if applicable only (1-199)
P6 = Variation, such as an OEM. Preceded with “T” (T1-T63)
(png?) (png! 031 001 000) // TIPM version 1.0
(png?) (png! 031 002 005 b) // TIPM version 2.5b
(png?) (png! 031 003 001 T005) // TIPM version 3.1 T5 (=variation of released version v3.1)
(png?) (png! 031 001 000 c 045 T002) // TIPM version 1.0c.045 T2 (=variation of beta version
PPP PIP Position Preset
Use PPP to select the preferred position and size for the Picture-in-Picture window.
0 = Top right
1 = Top left
2 = Bottom left
3 = Bottom right
4 = Custom (Response only – The size and position do not correspond to any of the
Use PPS to swap the picture-in-picture window with the main window. PPS is a toggle command
with no parameters.
PSW Alternative Service Password
PSW simply adds a password to projector memory so that you may use either the original
factory-denedWolfCinemapassword(whichisalwaysvalid)or this new password. Because
be retrieved in this manner once you have created an alternative password. Use PWE to enable/
disable passwords as described below.
PVP PIP Vertical Position
Use PVP to set the vertical position (0-100) of the picture-in-picture window. Values represent
what percentage of the screen size is used for the picture-in-picture window.
PWE Password Enable
Enable (1) or disable (0) the service password for access to the service menu.
3.117 PPP
PIP Position Preset
3.118 PPS
PIP Swap
3.119 PSW
Alternative Service
3.120 PVP
PIP Vertical Position
3.121 PWE
Password Enable