Page 9-16 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Template Pools
Template pools are directories where scanning templates
reside. With Internet Services, an existing directory on a file
server can be designated as a pool for DC440/432/430/426/
425/420 templates.
Template Management
Templates are used for scanning, faxing or printing jobs at the
DC440/432/430/426/425/420 control panel. Users can select a
template to use “as is,” or use Internet Services to create a
brand new one, or modify an existing one.
The following three buttons are used to manage templates in
Services/Stored Templates:
Template Summary
Individual Template Summaries are accessed via Services,
Stored Templates or Properties, Services, Default Template
and contain information about the template’s current scan,
print, or fax settings. The summary contains the template name
and the selected services for the template, along with the
parameters specified for each defined service.
NOTE: Templates with the ‘@’ symbol at the beginning of a
name are created with Internet Services. These templates
cannot take advantage of the distribution capabilities of
Network Scanning Services.
Button Operation
[New] Creates a new template with the
default template attributes.
[Delete] Deletes the selected template.
[Copy] Copies the selected template to a
new renamed template.