Page 11-30 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
1 1 Sided single-sided copies from single-sided originals.
2 1 Sided single-sided copies from double-sided originals.
1 2 Sided double-sided copies from single-sided originals.
2 2 Sided double-sided copies from double-sided originals.
For 2 Sided options, also select the orientation:
Head to Head the top of the document on each side is at the top of the page.
This is the factory default setting.
Head to Toe the image on the second side of each page is rotated 180°;
therefore, the top of the document on the second side is at the
bottom of the page.
Portrait or Landscape If available, select either Portrait or Landscape.
The following illustration depicts the results for Head to Head
or Head to Toe selections for Portrait and Landscape images.
Portrait Images Landscape Images.
Head to Head
Head to Head
Head to Toe Head to Toe
for binding on the short edge
for binding on the long edge
for binding on the short edge
for binding on the long edge