
Authentication ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203
7-2 System Administrator Guide
The administrator can specify the services and device pathways on a device that require authentication.
Services can be locked and/or hidden so that unauthorized users cannot use or see them. Pathways can be
locked but not hidden.
Network Authentication
Network Authentication can be enabled to prevent unauthorized use of installed device options (for
example, Machine Status Pathway, Job Status Pathway and Service Pathway such as Color Copy, Reprint
Saved Jobs, Workflow Scanning, E-mail, Internet Fax and Fax).
Users of the device will be asked to provide a User Name and Password to be validated by the designated
authenticated server. If this validation is successful, the options which were previously locked will be
available for individual use.
Information Checklist
Before starting the installation procedure, please ensure the following items are available or have been
Ensure the device is fully functional on the network.
Ensure that the TCP/IP and HTTP protocols are configured on the device and fully functional. This is
required to access Internet Services to configure Network Authentication. Internet Services function is
accessed through the embedded HTTP server on the device and allows System Administrators to
configure Authentication settings by using an Internet browser.
Ensure the Authentication Server to be used is functional on your network and refer to your
manufacturer's documentation for instructions to complete this task.
Authentication Configuration Wizard
Admin Password
Initially when Access Right is selected, the Authentication Configuration Wizard will display. The first part
of the Authentication Configuration Wizard is the Device System Administrator Password screen, you will
be prompted to change the System Administrator Password. The System Administrator password is used to
access Tools at the device user interface, and change settings via Internet Services.
For security reasons, if you have not changed your password, you must change your current System
Administrator’s password.
1. Click on the [Admin Password] from the directory tree.
2. In the New Admin Password area, enter a password in the [New Password] box, and retype password in
the [Retype Password] box.
3. Click on the [Apply] button to return to the Authentication Configuration Wizard page 1 of 3.
The following is an example steps of the Authentication Configuration Wizard
Step 1 of 3 - Authentication Configuration Wizard
Do not forget this password, or you could be completely locked out of the system, requiring a service call.