General Setup ColorQubeâ„¢ 9201/9202/9203
3-14 System Administrator Guide
5. Click on the [Reprint Saved Jobs] link.
6. Select [Enablement] in the directory tree.
7. Click the [Enabled] radio button to enable the feature, and click on the [Apply] button.
Backup Saved Jobs
1. Select [Backup Jobs] in the directory tree to back up saved jobs stored on the system.
2. Under Settings, from the [Protocol] drop-down menu, note that only FTP is available.
3. Select either the [IP Address] or [Host Name] radio button for your FTP server.
4. Specify the IP address or host name of the repository.
5. For [Document Path], specify the path to the file repository.
6. For [File Name], type the file name for the backup. This name will be appended onto the end of the
document path.
7. For [Login Name], if you selected System for Login Credentials (referring to FTP repository in the
Workflow Scanning topic), then you must specify the system login name here.
8. For [Password] and [Retype Password], if you selected System for the login credentials, then you can
specify and confirm the system password here. The password may be blank.
9. Check [Select to Save New Password] for an existing Login Name. You must then click the [Start]
button at the bottom of the page to implement the password change, or [Undo] to cancel any changes.
Restore Saved Jobs
1. Select [Restore Jobs] in the directory tree to restore saved jobs stored on a repository.
When Saved Jobs are restored, all current Saved Jobs data will be immediately deleted. The restore
process may take considerable time to complete depending on how many files were backed up. The
restored Saved Jobs data is not appended to the existing Saved Jobs If the restore is aborted, the
Default Public Folder will be empty.
2. Note that only FTP is available in the [Protocol] drop-down menu under Settings.
3. Select either the [IP Address] or [Host Name] radio button for your FTP server.
4. Specify the IP address or host name of the repository.
5. For [Document Path], specify the path to the file repository.
6. For [File Name], type the file name for the backup to restore. This name will be appended to the
document path.
7. For [Login Name], if you selected System for Login Credentials (referring to FTP repository in the
Workflow Scanning topic), then you must specify the system login name here.
8. For [Password] and [Retype Password], if you selected System for the login credentials, then you can
specify and confirm the system password here. The password may be blank.
9. Click [Select to Save New Password] for an existing Login Name. You must then click on the [Start]
button at the bottom of the page to implement the password change, or [Undo] to cancel any changes.
Online / Offline
The Online/Offline window allows the System Administrator to stop and resume the system from receiving or
sending jobs over the network.
At the device
1. Press the <Log In/Out> button to enter the Tools pathway.