
Chapter 13 The Certificates Screens
User’s Guide
Key Usage This field displays for what functions the certificate’s key can be used.
For example, “DigitalSignature” means that the key can be used to
sign certificates and “KeyEncipherment” means that the key can be
used to encrypt text.
Basic Constraint This field displays general information about the certificate. For
example, Subject Type=CA means that this is a certification
authority’s certificate and “Path Length Constraint=1” means that
there can only be one certification authority in the certificate’s path.
This field does not display for a certification request.
MD5 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the WiMAX Modem
calculated using the MD5 algorithm.
SHA1 Fingerprint This is the certificate’s message digest that the WiMAX Modem
calculated using the SHA1 algorithm.
Certificate in PEM
Encoded Format
This read-only text box displays the certificate or certification request
in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format. PEM uses lowercase letters,
uppercase letters and numerals to convert the binary certificate into a
printable form.
You can copy and paste a certification request into a certification
authority’s web page, an e-mail that you send to the certification
authority or a text editor and save the file on a management
computer for later manual enrollment.
You can copy and paste a certificate into an e-mail to send to friends
or colleagues or you can copy and paste a certificate into a text editor
and save the file on a management computer for later distribution
(via floppy disk for example).
Click to save your changes.
Cancel Click to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Table 57 TOOLS > Certificates > Trusted CAs > Edit (continued)