
User’s Guide
The LAN Configuration Screens
6.1 Overview
Use the ADVANCED > LAN Configuration screens to set up the WiMAX Modem
on the LAN. You can configure its IP address and subnet mask, DHCP services,
and other subnets. You can also control how the WiMAX Modem sends routing
information using RIP.
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a shared communication system to which many
computers are attached. A LAN is usually a computer network limited to the
immediate area, such as the same building or floor of a building.
6.1.1 What You Can Do in This Chapter
•The DHCP Setup screen (Section 6.2 on page 66) lets you enable, disable, and
configure the DHCP server in the WiMAX Modem.
•The Static DHCP screen (Section 6.3 on page 68) lets you assign specific IP
addresses to specific computers on the LAN.
•The IP Static Route screen (Section 6.4 on page 69) lets you examine the
static routes configured in the WiMAX Modem.
•The Other Settings screen (Section 6.5 on page 71) lets you control the
routing information that is sent and received by each subnet assign specific IP
addresses to specific computers on the LAN.
6.1.2 What You Need to Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
IP Address
IP addresses identify individual devices on a network. Every networking device
(including computers, servers, routers, printers, etc.) needs an IP address to
communicate across the network. These networking devices are also known as