User’s Guide
The Logs Screens
18.1 Overview
Use the TOOLS > Logs screens to look at log entries and alerts and to configure
the WiMAX Modem’s log and alert settings.
For a list of log messages, see Section 18.4 on page 205.
18.1.1 What You Can Do in This Chapter
•The View Logs screen (Section 18.2 on page 201) lets you look at log entries
and alerts.
•The Log Settings screen (Section 18.3 on page 203) lets you configure where
the WiMAX Modem sends logs and alerts, the schedule for sending logs, and
which logs and alerts are sent or recorded.
18.1.2 What You Need to Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
An alert is a type of log that warrants more serious attention. Some categories
such as System Errors consist of both logs and alerts.
Syslog Logs
There are two types of syslog: event logs and traffic logs.
The device generates an event log when a system event occurs, for example,
when a user logs in or the device is under attack. The device generates a traffic
log when a "session" is terminated.
A traffic log summarizes the session's type, when it started and stopped the
amount of traffic that was sent and received and so on. An external log analyzer