34 8e6 ProxyBlocker Quick Start Guide
E. Enter the Secondary IP address of the second DNS name server. The ProxyBlocker
will use this name server to resolve the domain name requested by users from the
LAN if the rst DNS isn’t working.
F. Enter the Gateway IP address for the default router or rewall that is the main gate-
way for the entire network. The ProxyBlocker will use this IP address to communicate
outside the network.
WARNING: Be sure to take note of the LAN 1 and LAN 2 IP addresses and
host name you assigned to the ProxyBlocker. It is strongly suggested you
document and store this information as it is now the only way of communi-
cating with the ProxyBlocker.
G. Click Apply.
Network: NTP Servers
From the navigation panel, click Network and choose NTP Servers from the pop-up
The NTP Servers window is used for specifying the Network Time Protocol (NTP) serv-
ers to be used by the ProxyBlocker, so that the ProxyBlocker is synchronized with com-
puter clocks on the Internet.
Note that the following server IP addresses display in the Servers list box:,, If necessary, any of these servers can be
deleted by selecting the IP address and clicking Delete.