Command Line Interface
Related Commands
show ip redirects (4-216)
show ip redirects
This command shows the default gateway configured for this device.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Related Commands
ip default-gateway (4-215)
This command sends ICMP echo request packets to another node on the network.
ping host [size size] [count count]
• host - IP address or IP alias of the host.
• size - Number of bytes in a packet. (Range: 32-512, default: 32)
The actual packet size will be eight bytes larger than the size specified
because the switch adds header information.
• count - Number of packets to send. (Range: 1-16, default: 5)
Default Setting
This command has no default for the host.
Command Mode
Normal Exec, Privileged Exec
Command Usage
• Use the ping command to see if another site on the network can be reached.
• Following are some results of the ping command:
- Normal response - The normal response occurs in one to ten seconds,
depending on network traffic.
- Destination does not respond - If the host does not respond, a “timeout”
appears in ten seconds.
- Destination unreachable - The gateway for this destination indicates that
the destination is unreachable.
Console#show ip redirects
ip default gateway