
USB-4718 User Manual 18
2.5 Device Testing
Following the Setup and Configuration procedures to the last step
described in the previous section, you can now proceed to test the device
by clicking the Test Button in the I/O Device Installation dialog window.
In the Device Test dialog window, you are free to test various functions of
USB-4718 on the Analog input, Analog output, Digital input, Digital out-
put or Counter tabs.
2.5.1 Testing Analog Input Function
Click the Analog Input tab to bring it up to front of the screen. Select the
input range for each channel in the Input range drop-down boxes. Config-
ure the sampling rate on the scroll bar. Switch the channels by using the
up/down arrow.
Table 2.1: Gain Code
Gain Code (Hex) Type Range
0x08 Voltage 0-15mV
0x0A Voltage 0-50mV
0x0B Voltage 0-100mV
0x0D Voltage 0-500mV
0x0E Voltage 0-1.0V
0x0F Voltage 0-2.5V
0x8000 Current 0-20mA
0x8001 Current 4-20mA