CL4490 User’s Manual
Full Duplex: This mode restricts Client radios to transmitting on odd numbered frequency
hop bins and the Server to even numbered frequency hop bins. Though the RF hardware is
still technically half duplex, it makes the transceiver seem full duplex. This can cause overall
throughputs to be cut in half. Note: All transceivers on the same network must have the
same setting for Full Duplex.
Modem Mode: Full modem handshaking is supported by the transceivers when Modem
Mode is enabled. Modem Mode is incompatible with RS-485Interface. Enables DCD, DTR,
DSR and Ring Indicator control lines. PC Settings
Port: Serial communications port of the PC connected to the CL4490 unit.
Baud Rate: Must equal the Interface Baud Rate setting of the CL4490 unit that is about to
be programmed.
System Config: Type of CL4490 network to be configured. Valid choices are Point-to-
Point (one Server and one Client) or Point-to-Multipoint (one Server and multiple Clients).
Attention: When setting up a Point-to-Point network the Server’s Destination address
must be set to the Client’s MAC Address. Programming the CL4490 units
1. Connect a CL4490 unit to the serial communications port on the PC.
2. Connect the power supply to the CL4490 unit. Make sure the Pwr LED is on.
3. Start the CL4490 Configuration Utility.
4. Select the COM Port that is connected to the CL4490 unit on the PC Settings section.
5. Select the Interface Baud Rate of the CL4490 unit. All CL4490 units are shipped with a
default rate of 57600 (unless units have been pre-configured to match specific serial
settings). If the Interface Baud Rate of the CL4490 unit is changed as described in
Section 4.2 Changing CL4490 Settings, then PC Setting Baud Rate must be set to the
same Baud Rate to allow proper programming of the units.
6. Select the System Configuration for the CL4490 network, Point-to-Point (one Server and
one Client) or Point-to-Multipoint (one Server and multiple Clients).
7. Select Read Radio to display the current settings of the CL4490 unit.
8. Change desired settings.
9. After all changes have been made, select Write Radio to save the changes.
10. Cycle Power to the unit after all changes has been saved. This will set the CL4490 unit
to its normal mode of operation.
Note: The Show Defaults button can be used to display the default Radio settings.
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