Airlink101 ANAS550 Computer Drive User Manual

The 2-Bay NAS is equipped with a built-in user-friendly FTP server, which allows the users to
access the important data whether they are on the local network or at a remote location. In
addition, the FTP server can be configured to allow up to 10 users to access different
directories simultaneously on the 2-Bay NAS.
FTP Account Settings: This section contains the account settings for the 2-Bay NAS
FTP Server feature. When completed, click Add to add the user or group FTP rule.
o Category: Select Group or User to decide the FTP server rule.
o Group/User: Select the group or user the FTP server rule will apply to.
o Folder: Click Browse to select the folder or directory, or select root to grant
access to all volumes.
o Permission: Set the user or group permission to Read Only or Read/Write.
FTP Server Settings: This section contains the settings for the FTP Server.