Pre-shared Key
The Pre-shared key is used to authenticate and encrypt
data transmitted in the wireless network. Fill the text box
by following the rules below.
Hex: input 64-digit Hex values (in the “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-
9” range) or at least 8 character pass phrase as the pre-
shared keys.
Click <Apply Changes> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations. WPA2
Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is an advanced security standard. You can use a pre-shared
key to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communication. It uses CCMP
(AES) to change the encryption key frequently, so the encryption key is difficult to be broken
which highly improve the wireless security
Parameters Description
Authentication Mode
WPA can authenticate by Enterprise (RADIUS)
or by
Personal (Pre-Shared key). If you enable ‘Enterprise
(RADIUS)’, please go to section for more
WPA2 Encryption Mode
You can choose TKIP or AES for WPA2 encryption