Connection and Setup of the AD2089
Keyboard Setup
The AD2089 keyboard communicates via RS-232 protocol. Keyboard setup up the keyboard
involves setting the keyboard's baud rate, LED brightness, speaker volume, and PTZ motion
Setting Keyboard Parameters
The operator can set the following four keyboard parameters:
• Baud Rate – 1200 (default), 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, and 38,400 bps
• LED Brightness - eight brightness levels
• Speaker Volume - eight volume levels
• Pan/Tilt/Zoom Motor Control – two control options can be set automatically or manually
To Enter Setup Mode
1 Turn the three-position keyswitch to the MENU position.
2 Press the F1 key. "SETUP BAUD =" appears in the CAMERA display. The current value of the
baud rate appears in the ENTER display.
To Change the Baud Rate
1 Press the NEXT key to cycle through the available baud rate settings in the forward direction:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, and 38,400. Press the LAST key to cycle through in the
reverse direction. The factory default setting is 1200 baud.
2 When the appropriate baud rate appears in the display, press the PROG key to save the
selection. You now have the option to either set the brightness level using the following
procedure, or exit setup mode by pressing the F1 key, turning the keyswitch to OPERATE,
MENU, and then back to OPERATE again.
To Set the Brightness Level
1 After baud rate selection has been completed, the message "LEDS =" appears in the CAMERA
display. The brightness level (an integer from 1 to 8) appears in the ENTER display. The integer
1 signifies minimum brightness. The integer 8 signifies maximum brightness. 8 is the factory
default setting.
2 To change the currently displayed brightness level, cycle through the levels using the NEXT or
LAST keys to move in forward or reverse direction respectively. Each time the level changes,
the intensity of the displayed characters changes as well.
3 When the appropriate integer appears in the ENTER display, press the PROG key to save the
selection. You now have the option to either set the speaker volume level using the following
procedure, or exit setup mode by pressing the F1 key, turning the keyswitch to OPERATE,
MENU, and then back to OPERATE again.
To Set the Speaker Volume
1 After LED brightness level selection has been completed, the message "SOUND" appears in
the CAMERA display. The speaker volume level ("Off" or integer values from 1 to 7) appears in
the ENTER display. "Off" indicates the speaker is disabled. The integer 1 signifies the minimum
volume level. The integer 7 signifies the maximum volume level. 7 is the factory default setting.