MegaRUM PCI Motherboard User’s Guide54
Advanced Setup, Continued
3rd Boot Device This option sets the type of device for the third boot drives that the AMIBIOS
attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes. The settings are
Disabled, Floptical, Floppy, CDROM, or IDE-0. The Optimal and Fail-Safe
default settings are CD-ROM.
4th Boot Device This option sets the type of device for the third boot drives that the AMIBIOS
attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes. The settings are
Disabled, Floppy, Floptical, CDROM, or IDE-0. The Optimal and Fail-Safe
default settings are CD-ROM.
Try Other Boot Devices Set this option to Yes to instruct AMIBIOS to attempt to boot from any
other drive in the system if it cannot find a boot drive among the drives
specified in the 1
Boot Device, 2
Boot Device, 3
Boot Device, and 4
Device options.
The settings are Yes or No. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Yes.
L1/L2 Cache This option sets the type of caching algorithm used by the L1 internal cache
memory on the CPU and the L2 secondary cache memory. The settings are
WriteBack, WriteThru, or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings
are WriteBack.
System BIOS Cacheable When set to Enabled, the contents of the F0000h system memory
segment can be read from or written to cache memory. The contents of this
memory segment are always copied from the BIOS ROM to system RAM for
faster execution. The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal default
setting is Enabled. The Fail-Safe default setting is Disabled.