American Megatrends MAN-758 Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 2 WINBIOS Setup 55
Advanced Setup, Continued
Caching Controller Set this option to Present if a caching controller is installed in the computer.
The settings are Present or Absent. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings
are Absent.
Video Shadow C000,32K This option specifies how the 32 KB of video ROM at C0000h is
treated. The settings are:
Setting Description
The contents of the video ROM are not copied to RAM.
The contents of the video ROM area from C0000h -
C7FFFh are copied (shadowed) from ROM to RAM for
faster execution.
Cached The contents of the video ROM area from C0000h -
C7FFFh are copied from ROM to RAM and can be written
to or read from cache memory.
The Optimal default setting is Cached. The Fail-Safe default setting is
Shadow C800,16K
Shadow CC00,16K
Shadow D000,16K
Shadow D400,16K
Shadow D800, 16K
Shadow DC00,16K These options enable shadowing of the contents of the ROM area named in
the option. ROM areas not used by ISA adapter cards are allocated to PCI
adapter cards. The settings are:
Setting Description
The contents of the named ROM area (C800, CC00, etc.)
are not copied to RAM.
Cached The contents of the named ROM area (C800, CC00, etc.)
are copied from ROM to RAM and can be written to or
read from cache memory.
The contents of the named ROM area (C800, CC00, etc.)
are copied from ROM to RAM for faster execution.
The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Disabled.