Apple 13-0010--001 Computer Drive User Manual

Whenever you either display the current settings
within an on-disk CP/M system copy (<u>:=*), or
make a change to a setting (<u>:=<d>:<t>[<s>]),
PROFILE will first respond with:
Insert a system disk in <u>:.
<RETURN> to continue/retry;
<ESC> or <CTRL-C> to abort.
where <u> is the drive you specified.
This gives you a chance to insert which ever
diskette contains the copy of the CP/M you wish
to examine or modify. When you have it in the
drive, just press <RETURN> and PROFILE will go
get the information it needs from the diskette.
If you type <ESC>, PROFILE will cancel the com-
mand and immediately return to the “*” prompt.
Once PROFILE reads the information, it will then
perform the function you requested. If your
request was for just a listing of the settings,
then the listing will be displayed and PROFILE
will return to the “*” prompt.
If you requested changes to be made, PROFILE
will make the changes, displaying all the "was”
and "now” messages, and then respond with:
Ready to update <u>:.
<RETURN> to continue/retry;
<ESC> or <CTRL-C> to abort.
PROFILE will then wait for you to allow it to
make the changes permanently to the diskette. If
the changes were all okay, type <RETURN>. If
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