Apple LC 580 Personal Computer User Manual

power cord viii, 3, 78
damaged 78
Power key 6, 13, 28, 98
power-on light 28
power plug 29, 78
power supply, safety 82
power switch 2, 13, 29
Previous System Folder, copying from
printer port 29
problems. See troubleshooting
processor-direct slot (PDS) 87
port 29
processor-direct slot (PDS) card,
installing 91
program disks, copying 36
programs. See applications
question mark
Guide icon with 15
Macintosh icon with 44
random-access memory (RAM),
expanding 34
rebuilding desktop of startup disk 42
recording live sounds 32
reinstalling system software 64
repairing damaged disks 59–63
repair service 40
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 74
restarting the Macintosh, when system is
frozen 41–42
Return key 98
RSIs. See repetitive stress injuries
“sad Macintosh” icon 45
safety instructions 2–3, 78–80
screen control buttons 28, 31
screen display
adjusting level of light and dark 31,
damage 80
dark 8, 28
identifying objects 24
troubleshooting 43
screen saver programs 80
scroll arms 11
SCSI devices, troubleshooting 44
SCSI hard disk (external), testing 60–61
SCSI hard disk (external),
initializing 57–58
SCSI ID numbers 46, 59
SCSI port 29
Search button 21
security lock port 29
security screw hole 29
service and support 40
Shift key 98
shortcuts, keyboard and mouse 25–26
Shortcuts command (Guide h menu) 25
Show Balloons command (Guide h
menu) 24
Shut Down command (Special
menu) 12–13
size box 11
special 70
troubleshooting system 44, 48–49
sound, recording 32
sound control buttons
adjusting 30
location of 28