Apple Version 3 Switch User Manual

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Network Flow
1. User requests web page (1). NetPurifier checks internal
cache for page. If locally cached, NetPurifier responds to
request immediately (6).
2. If not locally cached NetPurifier requests page from
Internet by way of Router/Firewall (2).
3. Request for page is sent to Internet (3).
4. Request is received from Internet (4).
5. Returned page is routed to NetPurifier (5).
6. If clean NetPurifier serves page to end user (6). If not
clean NetPurifier sends "Access Denied" page (6).
How NetPurifier filters
Three levels of filtering insure that NetPurifier will stop
inappropriate content.
1. NetPurifier first checks the requested URL against its
Exception IP List to see if the site is excepted.
2. Next NetPurifier checks the URL against it Exception Site
list to see if it is excepted.
3. Next NetPurifier checks the URL against its blacklist. This
list has over 500,000 entries and is categorized by
4. NetPurifier then loads the complete page into memory
and scans it for its PIC’s rating. The PIC’s rating is then
compared with the PIC’s list.
5. NetPurifier then scans every word on the page and
applies its Smart Filter Technology to determine if the
page is acceptable or not.
6. If acceptable the page is sent to the requesting computer.
7. If the page is deemed unacceptable the “Access Denied”
page is sent to the requesting computer.