34 Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
The arrow keys on the number key pad are not working.
Check if the Number Lock LED is o. When the Number Lock LED is on, the keys on
the number key pad are used to input numbers only. Press the Number Lock key to
turn the LED o if you want to use the arrow keys on the number key pad.
No display on the monitor.
• Checkifthemonitorispoweredon.
• Ensurethatyourmonitorisproperlyconnectedtothevideooutputportonyour
• Ifyourcomputercomeswithadiscretegraphicscard,ensurethatyouconnectyour
monitor to a video output port on the discrete graphics card.
• Checkifanyofthepinsonthemonitorvideoconnectorisbent.Ifyoudiscoverbent
pins, replace the monitor video connector cable.
• Checkifyourmonitorispluggedtoapowersourceproperly.
• Refertothedocumentationthatcamewithyourmonitorformoretroubleshooting
When using multiple monitors, only one monitor has display.
• Ensurethatthebothmonitorsarepoweredon.
• DuringPOST,onlythemonitorconnectedtotheVGAporthasdisplay.Thedual
display function works only under Windows.
• Whenagraphicscardisinstalledonyourcomputer,ensurethatyouconnectthe
monitors to the output port on the graphics card.
• Checkifthemultipledisplayssettingsarecorrect.
My computer cannot detect my USB storage device.
• ThersttimeyouconnectyourUSBstoragedevicetoyourcomputer,Windows
automatically installs a driver for it. Wait for a while and go to My Computer to
check if the USB storage device is detected.
• ConnectyourUSBstoragedevicetoanothercomputertotestiftheUSBstorage
device is broken or malfunctions.