4-12 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
PIO Mode [Auto]
Allows you to select the data transfer mode.
Conguration options: [Auto] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
DMA Mode [Auto]
DMA (Direct Memory Access) allows your computer to transfer data to and from the
hardware devices installed with much less CPU overhead.
The DMA mode consists of SDMA (single-word DMA), MDMA (multi-word DMA), and
UDMA (Ultra DMA). Setting to [Auto] allows automatic selection of the DMA mode.
SMART Monitoring [Auto]
Sets the Smart Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology.
Conguration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2010, American Megatrends, Inc.
Storage Conguration
OnChip SATA Channel [Enabled]
SATA Port1 - Port4 [IDE]
SATA Port5 - Port6 [IDE]
←→ Select Screen
↑↓ Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
4.3.4 Storage Conguration
The items in this menu allow you to set or change the congurations for the SATA
devices installed in the system. Select an item then press <Enter> if you wish to
congure the item.
OnChip SATA Channel [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the onboard SATA channel.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]