Asus P4C800-E Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe motherboard user guide
5.5.6 Resetting a RAID to non-RAID
To reset a RAID to non-RAID structure:
1. Select the option 3. Reset Disks to Non-RAID and press <Enter>.
2. When a confirmation message appears, press Y to revert to non-RAID
hard disk structure.
RAID Volumes:
None defined.
Non-RAID Disks:
Port Drive Model Serial # Size Status Bootable
0 ST320413A xxxxxxxx 18.6GB Normal Yes
1 ST320413A xxxxxxxx 18.6GB Normal Yes
Intel(R) Integrated RAID for Serial ATA - RAID Configuration Utility
Copyright(C) 2003 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. v3.x.x.xxxx
1. Create RAID Volume
2. Delete RAID Volume
3. Reset Disks to Non-RaID
4. Exit
[ ]-Select
[ ]-Select
[ESC] Exit
[ESC] Exit
[Enter]-Select Menu
[Enter]-Select Menu
Resetting all RAID data will remove any internal RAID structures
from all RAID disks, including disks with working volumes. These
structures are used to maintain the RAID volumes. By removing
these structures, the drive will revert back to a Non-RAID disk
that can then be used or reallocated to a new RAID volume.
WARNING: Selecting "Yes" will cause all data on any RAID disk
(RAID Volume or Other RAID Disk) to be lost.
Are you sure you want to destroy all RAID data (Y/N):
Take caution when resetting a RAID to non-RAID. Resetting all RAID
data will remove any internal RAID structures from all RAID disks!