Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software support
Drivers menuDrivers menu
Drivers menuDrivers menu
Drivers menu
Drivers Drivers
Drivers Drivers
Drivers menu shows the available device drivers if the system detects
installed devices. Install the necessary drivers to activate the devices.
The screen display and driver options vary under different operating
system versions.
QFE DriverQFE Driver
QFE DriverQFE Driver
QFE Driver
Installs the Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) driver updates.
Intel Chipset Inf Update ProgramIntel Chipset Inf Update Program
Intel Chipset Inf Update ProgramIntel Chipset Inf Update Program
Intel Chipset Inf Update Program
Installs the Intel
Chipset INF Update Program. This driver enables
Plug-n-Play INF support for the Intel
chipset components on the
motherboard. When installed to the target system, this driver provides the
method for configuring the chipset components.
You can install this utility using three different modes: interactive, silent or
unattended preload. Installing the driver in interactive mode requires user
input during installation. User input is not required when installing the driver
in silent or unattended preload modes. Refer to the online help or readme
file that came with the utility for details.
Realtek Audio DriverRealtek Audio Driver
Realtek Audio DriverRealtek Audio Driver
Realtek Audio Driver
Installs the Realtek
ALC882 audio driver and application. See page 5-11
for details.
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet DriverMarvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet DriverMarvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Installs the Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet driver.