Asus P5Q WS Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P5Q WS 4-49
4.4.4 Marvell
RAID congurations
The Marvell
6121 Serial ATA controller allows you to congure RAID 0 and RAID 1
sets on the Serial ATA hard disk drives.
Setting the RAID item in BIOS
You must set the RAID item in the BIOS Setup before you can create a RAID
set(s). To do this:
1. Install two Serial ATA hard disk drives to the eSATA connectors on the rear
2. Boot up your computer, and press <Del> during POST to enter the BIOS
3. In the Advanced Menu, go to
Onboard Devices Conguration
, and set
Marvell IDE/eSATA
[RAID Mode]
3. Press <F10> to save the changes and exit.
The RAID BIOS setup screens shown in this section are for reference only, and
may not exactly match the items on your screen.
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc.
Onboard Devices Conguration
High Denition Audio [Enabled]
Front Panel Type [HD Audio]
SPDIF OUT Mode Setting [SPDIF]
Realtek Gigabit LAN [Enabled]
LAN Boot ROM [Disabled]
Realtek Gigabit LAN2 [Enabled]
Agere Firewire 1394 [Enabled]
Marvell IDE/eSATA [RAID Mode]
IDE/eSATA Boot ROM [Enabled]
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Enable or Disable
High Denition Audio