Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Computer Hardware User Manual

3-24 Chapter 3: BIOS setup
3.4.20 CPU Spread Spectrum [Auto]
Set to [Disabled] to enhance BCLK overclocking ability or [Auto] for EMI control.
Conguration options: [Auto] [Disabled]
3.4.21 IOH Clock Skew [Auto]
Adjusting this item may help enhancing BCLK overclocking ability. You may need
to adjust the CPU Clock Skew item at the same time.
Conguration options: [Auto] [Normal] [Delay 100ps]–[Delay 1500ps]
3.4.22 PCIE Spread Spectrum [Auto]
Set to [Disabled] to enhance PCIE overclocking ability or [Auto] for EMI control.
Conguration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]