Asus T2-P Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS Terminator 2 barebone system
5.6.2 Removable Drives
1st ~ xxth Drive [1st Floppy Drive]
These items specify the boot sequence from the available removable
drives. The number of drives that appear on the screen depends on the
the number of devices installed in the system.
Configuration options: [ xxxxx Drive] [Disabled]
Removable Drives
1st Drive [1st Floppy Drive]
Specifies the boot
sequence from the
available devices.
5.6.3 CDROM Drives
1st ~ xxth Drive [SM-Optical Drive Name]
These items specify the boot sequence from the available optical drives.
The number of optical drives that appear on the screen depends on the
the number of devices installed in the system. The acronym before the
drive indicates the drive mode. SM indicates that the drive is set to
Secondary Master mode while SS tells that the drive is a Secondary Slave
device. Configuration options: [ xxxxx Drive] [Disabled]
CDROM Drives
1st Drive [SM-ASUS DRW-0402P/D]
2nd Drive [SS-ASUS CD-S520/A]
Specifies the boot
sequence from the
available devices.