Chapter 11 Avaya P330 Layer 2 Features
106 Avaya P334T-ML User’s Guide
becoming aware of a Multicast group on a certain VLAN and starting to filter
traffic for this group.
IP Multicast CLI Commands
The following table contains a list of the CLI commands for the IP Multicast feature.
The rules of syntax and output examples are all set out in detail in the Reference
IP Multicast Implementation in the Avaya P334T-ML
This section describes the implementation of the IP multicast feature in the Avaya
• No. of multicast groups — 255
In order to... Use the following command...
Enable or disable the IP multicast
filtering application
set intelligent-multicast
Define aging time for client ports set intelligent-multicast client port
pruning time
Define aging time for router ports set intelligent-multicast router port
pruning time
Define group filtering time delays set intelligent-multicast group-
filtering delay time
Display the status IP multicast
filtering application
show intelligent-multicast
Shows whether the connected
unit’s hardware supports IP
multicast filtering
show intelligent-multicast