70 MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide
MatrixPRO Remote Commands
• Description: Routes input to output. If the output is in a group, all the outputs in
the group will be routed to the input specified. If the output is in a I/O group but
the input is not in the group, the command will be ignored.
• Parameters:
out Output number; [1 - 16]
in Video Input number to route video; [1-16] / 101 if no input to add
/ 0 unroutes input
• Query: RTEMP? out; Returns the current video inputs routed to the specified
output in the format: =in
S Examples:
RTEMP 1 3 (Route to output 1, video input 3.)
RTEMP 4 101 (Route to output 4.)
• Description: Serial Baud Rate. Selects between 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, or 57.6K baud.
• Parameters:
mode Mode; [0|1|2|3], 19200|28800|38400|57600
• Query: SBAUD? Returns the current serial baud in the format: =mode
S Example: SBAUD 0 (Sets Serial baud rate to 19200.)
• Description: Serial Mode. Selects between RS-232 or RS-485 serial modes. If
select RS-485 mode, also need to specify RS-485 ID.
• Parameters:
mode Mode; [0|1], RS-232|RS-485
485id RS-485 ID for the MatrixPRO.
This field is ignored if switching to RS-232 mode.
• Query: SMODE? Returns the current serial mode in the format: =mode 485id
S Examples:
SMODE 0 (Sets Serial mode for RS-232.)
SMODE 1 10 (Sets Serial mode for RS-485 with ID 10)
• Description: Video switching mode. Enables vertical interval switching using the
input on channel 1.
• Parameters:
mode Mode; [0|1], Off|On
• Query: SWITCH? Returns current video switching mode in the format: =mode
S Example: SWITCH 0 (Turns vertical interval switching off.)