5. Cables and accessories for the D320L Digitizer
5.1 Cables an d acce ssories
List with available cables and accessories
Article No. Description Image
R326103 Power cable wi th CEE7 plug. image 5-1
R3261115 Power cable with NEMA 5–15 plug. image 5-2
B5580491 Data cable with RJ12 connectors for RS232 connection between
local control PC and COM1 RS232 input port of the master Digitizer.
Also used to connect the COM 2 or COM3 port with the COM1 port
of the following Digitizer.
image 5-3
Z3498421 RJ12–SUBD adapter. image 5-4
R9827560 Data cable with SUBD connectors for RS232 connection between
local control PC and COM1 RS232 input port of the master Digitizer.
image 5-5
Z3499209 One meter data cable with MDR connectors. Used to make a
connection between the LOOP OUT connector of the previous
Digitizer and the LOOP IN connector of the next Digitizer.
image 5-6
R9851210 Five meter data cable with DVI connectors. Used to connect the
LED-WALL OUTPUT with an ILite display.
image 5-7
R9851216 Five meter data cable with one DVI connector and one waterproof
MDR connector. Used to connect the LED-WALL OUTPUT with an
DLite display.
image 5-8
R9851219 One meter data cable with one DVI connector and one MDR
connector. Used to connect the LED-WA
LL OUTPUT with a Fiberlink
image 5-9
Image 5-1 Image 5-2 Image 5-3
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