PGWX-62L/PGWU-62L/PGWX-62L-K/PGWU-62L-K - - 2015/03/06
4. User Controls Service Menu
The designated model number of the projector.
Serial no
The designated serial number of the projector.
Soft version
The version of software installed on the projector.
Main/PIP source
Display the current main and PIP sources.
Active resolution
Display the current resolution of the current source.
Pixel clock
Display the pixel clock of the current input signal.
Vert. refresh
Display the current vertical refresh rate of the current source.
Hor. refresh
Display the current horizontal refresh rate of the current source.
Sync type
Value is one of the following:
Separate: y Signal has separate H&V syncs.
Sync on Green: y Sync on green channel.
Composite: S y ync embedded in video signal.
Color space
Display current color space.
Projector runtime
Display the projector’s total operating hours.
Factory Reset
Set all persistent settings back to default values.
This function will not apply to items including No Signal, Network, Language, and Projector Hours.
Factory Reset
Serial no
Active resolution
Hor. refresh
Projector runtime
Main/PIP source
Vert. refresh
Color space
Soft version
Pixel clock
Sync type