Chapter 3 Configuration
Working Country: This selection is a drop-down box, which allows user to select the country for which
the VoIP device must work. When a country is selected, the country parameters are automatically
displayed. Current supported countries are USA and UK. New country can be added and defined by user
New Country: a text-field where you can enter the new country to add or modify some existing string.
Please also refer below about Ring Tone Action to add, display, edit, or delete.
RingParameters: Defined by five fields, Frequency, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off Time2.
Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
DialTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off Time2.
Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
BusyTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off Time2.
Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
RingBackTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off
Time2. Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
CallWaitingTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off
Time2. Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
AlertingTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off
Time2. Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
CongestionTone: Defined by six fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, On Time2, Off
Time2. Frequency is given in hertz. Time is given in milliseconds.
RecallTone: Defined by five fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, Duration. Frequency
is given in hertz. Time and Duration are given in milliseconds.
StutterDialTone: Defined by five fields, Frequency1, Frequency2, On Time1, Off Time1, Duration.
Frequency is given in hertz. Time and Duration are given in milliseconds.
Ring Tone Action: a drop-down selection (Display, Add, Edit, Delete)
Display -> display the selected country in the working country field after clicking submit button.
Add -> add a new country after clicking submit button according to the value that appears in the
New Country field. This field must not be empty.
Edit -> rewrite the selected country (working country field) with current parameters after clicking
submit button. The New Country field is optional and need to be filled only when the country code
also has to be changed.
Delete -> delete the selected country (working country field) from the country list.