Black Box ACU5116A Network Hardware User Manual

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Locking and unlocking the system
In situations where the computer system (and the LOCAL module) can be locked
away, the Wizard extender modules offer a viable security system to deter
unauthorised use. Once a password has been set, a simple key sequence allows
the system to be quickly and securely detached from its peripherals. Only the
correct password will reconnect the remote and local modules.
To lock the system
1 First set a password. For further details, please refer to the ‘Password setting’
section in the ‘Special conguration’ chapter.
2 Simultaneously press the currently congured hotkeys (by default, and
) along with .
The screen will go blank and the three keyboard
indicators will begin alternately ashing between the
‘Num Lock’ and ‘Scroll Lock’, and ‘Caps Lock’. This
sequence indicates that a password is required.
To unlock the system
1 Enter the correct password and press .
Note: Passwords are NOT case sensitive.
Note: If an invalid password has been entered and the keyboard indicators
are not ashing as described above, press to clear the incorrect attempt.
2 If the correct password is entered, the screen will be restored and normal
operation can continue.
To enable the video
Simultaneously press the currently congured hotkeys (by default, and )
along with . This command will be required to restore the video if and
along with is used when no password has been set.
To disable the video
Simultaneously, press the currently congured hotkeys (by default, and )
along with .