Black Box FX850AE Webcam User Manual

Appendix B: Troubleshooting
B.1 Common Problems
Here are some of the most common problems you might have with the Internet
Sharer. Try the solutions suggested. If you’re still having trouble, see the technical-
support information in Section B.2.
Unable to dial.
Verify your cabling and connection.
Verify your cable/adapter, try another cable/adapter. Make sure you are using
ONLY the cable AND adapter supplied with the Internet Sharer.
Verify the serial-port settings. The settings must be: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200
or 9600; N,8,1.
Make sure that your modem supports 115200 baud. If not, you have to set the
Internet Sharer MODEM port to the maximum speed supported by your modem.
To change the speed, use a terminal communication software such as
HyperTerminal in Windows 95 or Terminal in Windows 3.x. With your PC
connected to Port #1, #2 or #3 of the Internet Sharer, establish the communication
between your PC and the Internet Sharer using the terminal software and send the
command corresponding to the maximum speed supported by your modem and
press Enter. Following is the list of supported commands: