Black Box FX850AE Webcam User Manual

You should receive a message from the Internet Sharer confirming the speed. If
you do not know the maximum speed of your modem, start by selecting 57600 and
try to communicate with your modem. If it still does not work, try the next speed,
38400, and so on. Using a modem that supports 115200 baud will increase the
performance of the Internet Sharer.
Verify that you are using the right modem driver for your modem.
Able to dial but unable to establish the first connection.
Verify your serial-port settings. The settings must be: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200
or 9600 bps, N,8,1.
Verify the handshaking—it must be hardware RTS/CTS.
Verify that your are attempting to establish a PPP connection.
Able to dial and establish the first connection but unable to locate any WWW site.
Verify your DNS setting. A DNS must be provided.
Unable to establish a second connection.
Make sure each of the 3 PCs connected to Internet Sharer is able to establish a
connection through the Internet Sharer, one PC at a time.
Make sure the username, password, and script file (if defined) are the same on
all 3 PCs.