s Wireless Modem
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Appendix B - E1 / T1 Applications
This appendix describes some of the possible ways to connect an E1/T1 Wireless Modem to
E1/T1 end equipment. For each possible connection, the indications given by the 2.048Mbps
Wireless Modem unit and the expected end equipment behaviour are described. The RJ-45
balanced four-wire interface is also discussed.
The second part of this appendix provides information about E1/T1 LIU board jumper
settings. In addition, some explanation is provided on T1 CSU/DSU applications.
E1/T1 Connections and Common Problems - Link Setup
The set-up includes two 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem units, each connected to end
equipment. One end equipment unit is the source of the clock and is called “CO” (Central
Office). The other unit uses loopback timing (i.e. lock on the CO clock and return it) and is
called PBX. The modem connected to the CO is configured as Master, and the other modem
as Slave.
Figure B-1. E1/T1 Application.
Table B- 1 summarizes the possible connections and the resulting behaviour